Sep 07 2009

iPhone – inspiration enabler

Published by at 6:49 pm under Uncategorized

It’s something I’ve been after for ages, something that I’ll carry around without thinking about, that I can add notes on. Add ideas as I think of them and save them where they won’t get forgotten.
The last is critical, I’ve previously had a palm and various phones or smart phones with note taking capabilities, however they all fell down on one or more criteria, the most common being notes getting lost.

Syncing is all very well but that only works if you reference the sync location regularly. With the iPhone I can make notes in a relevant place, to my Blog, to my mail etc.
The more apps that I find the greater the scope for me to capture ideas. I can even draw sketches of concepts that will automatically sync with my mac. Suddenly I have the ability to capture Ideas and concepts as they occur to me. It not only makes me more productive, it also makes me blog more (as demonstrated) and less stressed as there are less things I’m focussing on keeping in my head.

For all those who have an I phone I’ll be preaching to the converted, for the rest of you I’m probably one of a miriad of voices going on about it – I can only urge you to take the leap, you won’t look back.

One response so far

One Response to “iPhone – inspiration enabler”

  1. Derickon 11 Nov 2009 at 9:39 am

    I wrote a similar blog on this subject but you nailed it here.